Budgets, Debt Management and Financial Planning for Women

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Dear Piggy Bank

How You Can Become Money Savvy

Basic money management isn't always basic. No one likes to spend their time figuring out their finances or be short of money. No one likes to feel guilty because of over spending or overwhelmed because it all seems so confusing. You work hard to earn your paycheck and should be able to enjoy yourself. It can be tricky balancing between daily life and planning for your future. If you set it up right, you'll find yourself worrying less about finances and having more money to live the lifestyle you want.

Gain control of your money and develop your financial power. Work with us to make your money management chores low hassle. It's all about having a plan and making smart choices.

Check out our Services or Contact Us.

Value to You

For the price of a spa visit or a couple nights out you can take control of your money. A small investment in your future that will quickly pay you back!

A little knowledge and good organization can go a long way to making a simple money management plan. Our strength is planning your blueprint to financial clarity. We propose a plan, outline your options and design a tailored action plan. You can focus on reviewing the recommendations, decision making and action.

Our Focus

Planning your blueprint to financial clarity. Dear Piggy Bank works for you, the client! Dear Piggy Bank is not affiliated with or paid by any financial institution. It does not sell financial products, provide financing, make referrals or receive commissions from financial institutions or organizations that provide financing. Our objective is to give you as many tools and suggestions as possible to manage your finances and we believe that having a simple and effective plan is more than half the battle!

Latest Articles

Do We Lead an Extravagant Lifestyle?
Posted: November 4, 2015

I started out by asking myself if we lived ‘simply’ and determined after looking at our credit card bill that we don’t. Then I wondered whether we lead an extravagant lifestyle.

I use the word ‘lead’ because distinguishing between our needs and wants sheds perspective on this question. Other than housing, utilities, basic food and clothing, child care and transportation the balance of our expenditures is highly discretionary (i.e. much of food and clothing) or ‘wants’.

But life without treats isn’t fun either. How to find the right balance? The options and choices are many but we must be able to reconcile them with our own set of values and based on this, we may define lifestyle as frugal, comfortable, privileged or extravagant – it’s all very subjective and I can’t say I’ve answered my own question – yet.

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